Ontario OTAP Assessment (OTAP)

AC4C Safety Solutions has recently completed a competency program which can be very beneficial to your organization as part of the “proof of competency” now required by law for all employers.

According to O. H. & S.’s definition, “competent worker” – in relation to a person – means “adequately qualified, suitably trained and with sufficient experience to safely perform work without supervision or with only a minimal degree of supervision.”

But how do employers determine that a new employee or candidate is competent as required by O. H. & S. Legislation?

If the candidate is not competent, what courses are required to meet competency?

What about returning employees who may require re-education?

At AC4C Safety Solutions, we have the solution with our Occupational Theory Assessment Program (OTAP). This is a comprehensive system that can easily be applied to new hires as well as returning seasonal employees. The key to our program is that it uses a series of specially designed theory tests which enables the employer to determine the knowledge of a potential new and/or returning employee. As a result, the employer can then determine what courses are going to be a required for the employee’s competency training. This will also help in determining the occupational position that the employee could and/or should be filling. 

The exams are written in simple English and are formatted as true or false and/or multiple choice questions. The current program that we have developed is designed to the construction industry and consists of 21 exams; however this program can be tailored to any industry and to company requirement. We pride ourselves on making our competency program accessible to all.

Ontario Occupational Theory Assessment

While AC4C Safety Solutions offers an excellent OTAP, the theory component is only part of the determining practice for the employer; the standard practices of employer reference checks, task/job performance evaluation by a competent supervisor, etc. must also be continually recorded and maintained.

In providing employees with this type of testing, corporations now have the ability of reducing liability by increasing their awareness of the course requirements of their employees. With our program, employers are able to save time by minimizing costs caused by educational duplication, incidents and/or equipment damage due to a lack of knowledge.